... because I've been spending
waaaaaay too much time fooling around with this photo altering site when I have so many other things I
should be doing!!! Just look at how it "cartoonizes" photos:

My vintage angels and reindeer...

My vintage Mary garden statue with her wreath of autumn leaves...

Sweet little Chip at the birdbath this past summer...

The fox garden statue and plants on the patio this past summer...

The bunnies by our front door...

This year's Christmas tree...

Our dining room table...

Our deck this past summer...
(oh how I miss summer! We're supposed to get 12" of snow tomorrow...)

... and the vase of roses on our dining room table...
Warning!!!! This website can be addictive!!!
Oh, I'm sorry I stopped by here so late at night. This does look like fun, and I'm afraid I'm going to go over there and start playing! I just couldn't resist a title like "I've been naughty"! laurie
Oh my gosh that is such a cool photo tweaking thingy! LOL-I love it! We got almost a foot of snow here! It looks so amazingly beautiful-Love it(only because it doesnt usually stcik around)!
Have a nice weekend!
What a cool site. Now I won't be getting anything done either!
oh thanks for the great link!!!!
looks like many of us will be having fun too!!
HOW much snow? Glory, here in the UK we're often lucky to see a snowflake never mind a whole 12". That website looks cool ... I love a bit of image manipulation! :)
WoW! THat is totally cool! I think I would probably waste time there, too, so I had better stay away from that site, but I'll put a gold star on this blog post just in case I want to get there later, LOL! Thanks for sharing! :)
How fun! I was wondering what I was going to do with the rest of my afternoon at work :)
That looks like so much fun! I have to try that when things calm down a little.
Oh Donna...I don't meet many people who know Fitchburg. I was born in 1950, and went to Immaculate Conception grade school. I lived there till I was 21, then moved to Maine. Fitchburg is not the town it used to be. I still have relatives there and visit every 2-3 years. I used to love Woolworth's, and the parks, too. We used to snow sled down a hill that was intersected by a street...we always had a "look-out" posted there. Thank you so much for enhancing my memories, Kathleen
Hi Donna, That is so cute, I love doing it too!! like little works of art :) I do it on my Adobe Photoshop program too, its so much fun!!
Happy Holidays! Cynthia
I've had so much fun with this today. I passed it on to some friends and they aren't getting anything done either.
It's all your fault ;0)
This looks like so much fun! Sorry I'm so behind on blog visits. I was sick and had surgery, but I'm getting better every day.
I also loved your previous posts, especially your Christmas Home Tour and about how you transformed those brass deer into something of shabby chic beauty!
Thanks so much for posting this site. I can see it becoming very addictive. Heading over there now to check it out.
Oh Donna,
Just when I thought I had freed up some time offline, you go and find this website. Just took a quick tour and I am in trouble. Happy holidays!
Lisa & Alfie
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