(click any photos to enlarge)

Please ignore any broken pickets you see in the photos... We (and by we I mean hubby) have obtained some weathered stockade fence so we (and by we I mean hubby) are in the process of replacing old and broken pickets...

These Adirondack chairs have replaced the old wooden bench that used to sit here (which hasn't been safe to sit on for years!)... I've always loved the look of adirondack chairs, but they're quite expensive!! The good ones are anyhow... (Actually, the not-so-good ones are, too, as I found out once I started looking! I got these two at Target - one was discounted, one was regular price.)

We (hubby) had problems with the first one since some of the pre-drilled holes didn't line up, but by chair #2 things were going much quicker... Hubby said it would sure be nice to be able to buy something high quality and pre-assembled for once, but then we wouldn't have had all that quality time in the blue air (only kidding, the air wasn't blue... well, maybe just a little teeny bit blue once or twice...)

All in all, though, they weren't too bad to assemble. The entire seat and chair backs with the individual slats were already assembled, so it was just attaching those pieces to the frames and arms.

Once the chairs were finished, the first order of business was to hang up a hummingbird feeder...

... Would you like to join me to watch for them? We'll have the best seats in the house!
But while we wait, I'll show you around a little bit... See the little birdbath that hangs between the flowerbox window and the chairs? It's one of my favorites. I got it years and years ago at Wal Mart....
There are three little cherubs that sit around the bath, which is a great size for the finches, chicadees, and sparrows (do wrens use birdbaths? I've never seen a single wren in any of my baths even though I have wrens on a regular basis!)
My windowbox flowers look nice and healthy, but they sure aren't growing very much...
Of course, as you can see from this photo, they only get a few late afternoon hours of filtered sun because the trees block this area (to me, this part of the yard feels a bit like a little secret garden, tucked in behind the crapapple trees and the weeping branches of the birch tree... I just love it!)... The bleeding heart (under the hanging birdbath) that I transplanted from the backyard a few years ago, is thriving in its new location. The flowers are done blooming, but the foliage is still gorgeous!!
See these purple flowers next to the chairs?

Back when the girls were little, one just popped up one summer. I looked through all my gardening books (that was long before I had the internet) and as best I can tell, they are spiderworts.
They've multiplied by themselves over the years and have even spread to a few different parts of the yard now (all in garden areas, too - thank you bumblebees!!)
They are absolutely the most beautiful shade of blue!!!

And if you peek through the trees from the chairs (see them back there?), you'll be able to see the gorgeous rose bush I planted last year.

It is doing SO good and has so many blossoms and buds! I honestly did not know how it would do since it's my very first rose bush!!!

It's called New Dawn, and it has just a blush of pink on the roses. I planted it next to our old corral fence. It's a climber/rambler and I believe it reaches close to 15-20'...

I plan to train it along the fence.. I've seen gorgeous magazine photos of climbing/rambling roses covering old fences and my dream is that someday you'll hardly be able to see the fence through the flowers! ha ha
So thank you for stopping by today!!! Now let's go plunk ourselves in those Adirondack chairs (which are VERY comfy) and watch for our little hummer friend(s)!!!
Your garden area is beautiful!! So relaxing and peaceful looking. I love the window frame hung on the fence, it looks adorable!
Oh My GOSH.. i'm so glad to know what those flowers are.... I have spider warts too. I was going to look them up online but you saved me what I'm sure would have turned into maybe hours trying to find them. Your sitting area is well placed. Now you can look out at your place in whole!! I love this post.
Wow, that looks like the perfect place to relax with a good book.
The adirondacks are PERFECT there!! Absolutely perfect!!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Your Adirondack chairs are fabulous! I'm on the hunt for a pair for my backyard.
I really enjoyed looking at your flowers :)
Donna, it looks so lovely! One of my dreams is to have some Adirondack chairs at my house. But, like you I've always found them too expensive. Maybe when I get home, Target will still have some? Yours look lovely in that little secluded area in the yard. I love New Dawn roses, they are so pale and beautiful! Now you just need a cool drink and a good book.
Your garden is so lovely!!
Hugs! Lisa
Donna, love your garden and the chairs are perfect. I started a new garden last year and planted a new one (very weedy right now) this year. I love to expand and create new seating area's around the yard... less to mow! Have a great day and it's lovely.
Hey Donna;;; I will be right over!!; they look so comfy.... what lovely little secret garden you have. it is just beautiful. Thank you for all the lovely photos.
it's always nice coming here. You have the most creative touch. I love your new chairs. You'll enjoy many beautiful days lounging in your gorgeous garden.
Mary Ellen
Ooo I really like your new chairs. I didn't realize Adirondacks were expensive either, they look really good! Your garden is very sweet :)
All the best,
Donna! I don't know if you accept tags but I am tagging you with sharing 6 things about yourself so we get to know you better and then you tag 6 people!
All the best,
wow it all looks fabulous, the Adirondacks set it off perfectly, just right for a little spot to sit with some iced tea!
Yes, that's spiderwort. I think it's so pretty; mine was a "gift" from the birds, I suppose, because I didn't plant it.
Adirondacks are so pretty, they just scream SUMMER!
Your garden is so charming! i could sure relax in one of those wonderful adirondacks! laurie
Your chairs just make it look so ultra cozy in your yard! I've been wanting some good Adirondack chairs for some time myself. I asked Robert the carpenter if he'd make me some one of these days. I want some that don't dip so far down in back. I don't if my back would make it back up!
Your yard is beautiful. Love the chairs and the birdbath area.
I laughed when I saw your spiderwort. They are also known as widows tears too. They spread like crazy!! My mom has given me quite a few since she is tired of them popping up everywhere. I have the woods so they do great in there. They also come in purple, white, fuschia, and a pale lavender. I have all of these colors.
I have to agree that adirondacks are comfy. We always wind up in ours, but they are the plastic ones that I bought about 15 years ago. Your place looks very comfy, and I'm sure the hummingbirds will love their feeder!!
I love your sitting area! It gives me hope for my plain barren area that I have yet to work in!
Your garden is beautiful and I love the Adirondack chairs. In Canada they are called Muskoka chairs, named after the Muskoka vacation area. I'm sure you will enjoy sitting out there and enjoying your garden.
Your garden is so beautiful
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