I love the color of it... Sometimes it looks purple, and other times true blue, depending on the time of day and how much sun or shade it is in.

True to its name, it attracts butterflies...

...although in this photo a (honey?) bee is enjoying its nectar.

My vintage garden Mary watches over the butterfly bush, just as she does the rest of the garden with its many little creatures and insects who visit us.

This beautiful swallowtail visited this morning and spent quite a bit of time going from blossom to blossom...
We also planted a second butterfly bush - a white one - in the backyard last summer. It's in a shadier spot than the blue one, so it hasn't even bloomed yet. Once it does, I'll be sure to take photos. We may try to relocate it to a sunnier spot this fall so that next summer it will bloom earlier.
Butterfly bushes require a lot of sunlight. We have many tall trees in our backyard, and therefore a lot of shade...
But it seems to have adapted nicely...

This beautiful swallowtail visited this morning and spent quite a bit of time going from blossom to blossom...
The swallowtail that was here this morning was quite large and its wings and tail were completely intact...
....unlike this poor fellow who showed up this afternoon missing the ends of his tail, and with his wings a bit worse for the wear...

We also planted a second butterfly bush - a white one - in the backyard last summer. It's in a shadier spot than the blue one, so it hasn't even bloomed yet. Once it does, I'll be sure to take photos. We may try to relocate it to a sunnier spot this fall so that next summer it will bloom earlier.
Hoping you are all enjoying beautiful summer weather wherever you are!
COMMENT UPDATE: Hi Betty! I got my birdhouse in the summer of 2008 from The Christmas Tree Shop, a chain of stores here in the Northeast. I did not see any this summer, however... If you do a search on-line, there are lots of great birdhouses available so I bet you'll be able to find just what you're looking for!
Mmmm, butterfly bush is much easier to remember than Buddlea! I have a yellow one, it is huge and just about to breakout into flower, I love it! Though I planted it under the electricity wires, so the men have to come and cut it back every few months! I hope they wait till it finishes flowering!
I really like buddleia, though it grows like a weed here! The one in our garden grows like wildfire but the butterflies and bees love it :) Yours is really pretty!
Mel xxx
I love the butterfly bushes and have had a couple through the years! Now you've inspired me to plant a few for next season! Great pics! Thanks for sharing!
Have a butterfly bush also, but mine is almost done blooming since I am much further south than you.
Your photos certainly explain the reason for the name 'butterfly bush' now don't they.... lovely!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Your butterfly bush is beautiful, Donna! You really got some wonderful pictures of the swallowtails. They are so beautiful, aren't they? I took some photos of one who stayed for the longest time on my coneflowers last summer.
So glad you got some sun! Is it humid there? It is here.
Beautiful photos!
Love the butterfly bush and pretty butterfly that came for a visit!
They really do attract butterflies!
...and they are beautiful!
Great shots of the butterflies! We just moved into our house and I've been working on creating gardens that will attract birds and butterflies.
I have not seen gorgeous butterfly bush blooms this summer. Mine was doing nicely, then the massive Texas heat wave hit and pretty much knocked the socks off everything I had. Only the black-eyed susans and cone flower have managed to bloom this late. The photos are gorgeous!
That is totally awesome! Such a pretty color and you caught some great photos of the butterfly on it! :)
Beautiful photographs of the Butterfly Bush and the Butterfly.
Wow so pretty! That butterfly is HUGE omgsh like a bird! LOL.
All the best,
I've got my eye on your beautiful birdhouse! Never seen a lilac monada plant..I always had the red ones at my former home. Do you mind sharing where you purchased your birdhouse. Love it!
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