These are the double impatiens outside our dining room window...

I braved the rain to snap these photos (see the little raindrop ready to fall from the petal in the upper left hand corner?)

Clearly the flowers are loving this wet summer because they're doing amazingly well ...

... especially when you consider the fact that I just plopped them down on the top of our birdseed screen feeder (serving as a windowbox for the summer) in their original little garden 6-pack containers. No larger pots, no potting soil, no fertilizer, no nothing...

I wonder if the Northwest is getting our typical Northeast summers (hot, high humidity, normal rainfall)? Because we definitely seem to be getting weather typical of the Northwest ... mildly pleasant summer temps, low humidity, and an excessive amount of rain! If it weren't for the rain, I'd actually be in 7th heaven with the pleasant temps and low humidity!

I'll definitely be buying lots more of these double impatiens in summers to come. They remind me of miniature roses.

Now who is that up in the old oak tree?

Awww, it's one of our Sammies, who's not going to let a rainy day keep him inside! Because rain or not, it's still a beautiful day!
I can't get over your flowers. Heck if I buy them and keep them in those little pots within a week they are dead.
I sure hope you all keep that nice weather until the end of next month so I can enjoy the lovely days while I'm there!
I can't believe how those impatiens look in the window box and they are not even planted! They sure look gorgeous and you are right...they do look like miniature roses. We are pretty dry here in Ohio...we sure could use some of the wet stuff!
Our flowers are bigger than ever-the rain has made everything grow and grow and grow. Like you, I'm sick of the rain, but I could get used to all this lush growth!
I would love to get some rain here. Even the trees are getting dusty. Your impatients are gorgeous, especially for just being plopped down in their six packs!LOL! I see Sammy didn't take to the underware.
Very pretty! Sorry about all the rain but it makes the flowers so pretty!
Hugs, Lisa
Beautiful, beautiful flowers. Here in VA we had rain in May and June and this month NOTHING. Everything is gasping in the growing heat.
Love your blog...
You're right, the flowers have never been more beautiful than this Summer's blooms.
But so much rain is downright depressing! Every day we're dodging raindrops and forget about any outdoor activities!
I thought that was a rose! I can't believe how they are thriving in those little containers! This looks beautiful! laurie
What a lovely space and a beautiful view!
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