It seems that Mr. J loves to bury his little muzzle in the snowbanks whenever he goes out. Is he too cute or what?

Baby, who is strictly an indoor kitty, was allowed a closely supervised visit to the deck so she could experience snow for the first time. We thought she would immediately head for the house at the first feel of this cold, wet stuff....

But she did not want to come in. She absolutely loved every minute of being out in it, digging and jumping and just taking in the beauty of it all!

The bird feeder when I got up the morning of the blizzard...

I don't think even the heartiest of birds are going to be able to dig down through that to reach the seed. After taking this photo I brushed it off and the feathered friends arrived in minutes.
That is some snow fall!
Hope the flu goes away soon!xx
it is beautiful!!! but it does look really cold!!! I think your kitty is posing!
So sorry that you are not feeling well. My daughter had that over the holidays. I'm like you and enjoy the snow from indoors. I hope you are able to get plenty of rest and get well soon. Carla
Hi Donna, hope you get well soon. The garden looks so nice but I am happy that around here the snow is finally gone. Take care, Carolina
Beautiful photos. Hope you feel better soon.
Mr. J is too cute, alright. Baby is gorgeous. wow, did you get snow! It is beautiful and I hope you get to feeling soon enough to at least enjoy looking at it while it's lovely.
Hi Donna...We got whomped with snow, didn't we? woo hoo. I think what your kitty cat is doing looks good! ha ha Hope you feel better soon. Susan
I hope you are feeling better after your nap? The cats' love it don't they?
The snow does look beautiful though.
Sandie xx
OMG....that's BEAUTIFUL and so funny that the fur babies love it so much! Hope you get to feeling better. :) Happy New Year from Houston!
Fantastic photos! Mr Dog looks like he has been enjoying himself - my 3 dogs loved the snow too!!
Yes, it is beautiful, Donna. Ours is too - but I would be perfectly happy if this was it for the season. Love the photos of your babies out in the snow.
Feel better, my friend. Being sick is no fun at all.
You did better than me, the only thing I took a picture of outside was a Hydrangea. My cold has had me way under the weather so I took a good nap also. Today too! Hopefully we'll all be feeling better by tomorrow ; )
Mr. J is definitely adorable!
Oh my gosh! You have a ton of snow over there! I can see why you're ready for spring. I can't blame you at all, Donna! I hope that you're back on your feet soon, girlie. That flu bug is no fun at all....
xoxo laurie
It is cold but it is beautiful!
I'm sorry to hear that you have the flu. That's not any fun at all. But you managed to get some fabulous pics of the fur babies. Take good care and feel better soon!
Susan and Bentley
Donna, I'm sorry you're not feeling so hot. Literally, I guess! I'm wondering if Baby isn't part Maine Coon cat? Clyde loves to be out in the snow. In their genes.
Hope you and your daughter are feeling much better now. That snowfall is amazing. And little Baby is just so photogentic, so cute sitting out in the snow! Stay warm
That second photo of Baby is gorgeous!
I am surprised you let her out, bet that was a special treat for her.
The yard looks magical! Love the gate.
I do hope you and your daughter feel better soon. Maybe you need a cat nap too!
Hope you all feel better soon. Thank you for sharing photographs of your beautiful snow :) I especially enjoyed Baby's first adventure in the snow.
I love love you banner.
Fun seeing Mr J and Baby in the snow.
Hope you feel well real soon.
Rest rest and let your body rest!
Donna ~ just found you through Cozy Little House ~ What a wonderful blog you have! Love your little furbabies ;-) They are so cute in the snow aren't they and do you ever have snow WoW! I will definitely be back soon and just became a follower
Hi Donna,
Looks like you sent it to mid America. We recieved eight inches in St. Louis, Missouri. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am looking ofr followers, so please spread the word. Thank you.
Hope you are feeling better today, Donna! Be sure to check out my blog today. I left something there for you.... :)
xoxo laurie
Hope you are feeling better today, Donna! Be sure to check out my blog today. I left something there for you.... :)
xoxo laurie
Now that's a lot of snow! We had 6-8 inches here outside of Atlanta which is more than what we usually see, but it was fun. Hope that all of you are doing much better now!
Donna, your pictures are other-worldly beautiful! We don't see a whole lot of snow here, so I relish photos of snowfall.
Thank you for posting such exquisite photos!
He looks just like my dog. We take him up to our summer camp, wandawega, in the winter and he ends up looking all snow covered like Mr. J.
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