(click any photos to enlarge)

A small votive sits in a chippy religious statue on the dining room half wall. Being chalkware, it's very heavy so Baby isn't able to knock it off (yet).

The scrollwork of the fire screen, silhouetted against the candles that sit inside the fireplace.

Another old chalkware statue, a grey & white kitty, rests on the hearth.
Candlelight illuminates the cherub faces on the cactus planter.

Prisms dance around the candlelight in this beautiful candleholder, a gift from my good friend, Jill.
A small votive surrounded by button jars, a white bird, and my vintage rose lamp.

One of the two prism'd fleur-de-lis candleholders that flank the fireplace. These were one of my first purchases when I switched over from a primitive to cottage decor about 7-8 years ago.

A small Mary statue...

...and a small St. Theresa planter stand guard at the "parakeet cage" on top of the jelly cupboard in a corner of the dining room.
The variety of small votives gave off just enough light to keep us from bumping into - or tripping over - things while the lights were out. Thankfully, the power was restored just as it was starting to get quite chilly in the house. The other morning it was 8 below when we woke! And we were hit with another snowstorm last night (over 12" of snow), so I'll post photos of that soon! Come on, spring! We are sooooooo ready!
I'm linking up to Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home so be sure to stop by and see Cindy and all the other bloggers sharing participating this week!
I love how you found the beauty in what is a major inconvenience. Lovely pictures!
Beautiful candlelight pictures. ~Alana~
Candle light is so romantic and cozy ~ I absolutely love it ~ Magical ~;-)
Oh, Donna. Isn't this ridiculous? Enough already. For you and I, who get sick of winter and snow rather quickly, this is a true test of our fortitude. I, for one, have had it. I'm sorry you had a power outage, but am thankful it didn't last too long. The candlelight is lovely, by the way.
I KNOW you've had a heck of a winter, but you've made it look and seem enchanting. But then, that's YOU.
All joys,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Oh, Donna: You have power outages? Wow. Don't know where in Massachusetts you are located. We were spared here. No big storm arrived at all. Heard Boston and New York got hit hard. Ohhhhhhh, so sorry. Take care. Susan
You improvised so beautifully!!
You know I am a Winter lover but even I am tired of all this snow.
I haven't lost electricity once thankfully.
Your photos are lovely. All that candlelight and the religious items make your home look a little church-like. But it also looks romantic.
Let's hope we are nearing the end of this dreadful weather pattern!
You photos are so pretty.
The light from the candles if nice.
But, I do wish you warmth and coziness during this winter storm.
I love all your candleholders, they are all so pretty. You placed them well. I love the candlelight, so romantic and pretty. We haven't lost our power yet this winter, thank Heavens! I am ready for Spring, too!
This looks so lovely. I look forward to you stopping by at My Dream Canvas:-)
Candlelight makes everything look beautiful. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photo's with us. We have been having a lot of snow too, but we have not lost power yet. A lot of flickering though. ~~Sherry
You guys sure have been hit hard out east, Donna. Now, I fear, it's Michigan's turn come Tuesday night. {groan!} It looks like at least you had a fun time while the lights were out and took some beautiful photos. :) Hope it didn't get too cold in the house!!
xoxo laurie
Donna ~
How lovely! The glow from the candles is absolutely enchanting. You are doing a fantastic job of making the best of things during the wretched winter weather. Here in Eastern Nebraska, we are about to get hit hard --- possible 12 inches of snow, 35 mph winds, bitter windchill temperatures. I hope I can make my home feel as cozy as you have yours. Keep warm!
With a home that lovely, I don't think I would mind being without power! Carla
What beautiful photos!
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