(click any photos to enlarge)
I was heartbroken when it fell and shattered. But I couldn't bear to part with it so I applied packing tape to the front and back as best I could, hoping to keep the glass intact...

Other than the fact that it now has a bit of a 'hazy' look from the tape, it's as good as new...

I also love our little DR bay window that it hangs from. Once upon a time this was a solid wall, but about 15 years ago we decided to open up the dining room to some natural light - and a view!

I couldn't believe how much bigger the house seemed when the contractor cut through the solid wall and natural sunlight flooded the room for the first time.

Now, I can't even imagine not being able to look out into the side yard... Just look how pretty the fresh fallen snow from last night looks... We've been having quite a few little 'snowstorms' here in the Northeast lately, and while I really do long for spring (and being able to sit outside on the deck), I am blown away by the beauty of each new snowfall...

This is the view in the evening, after the snow had stopped falling... It's so peaceful and serene...
I usually toss out a few peanuts in the evening for the 'early bird' Sammy Squirrels (who get up way earlier than I do)... We've discovered they also like dry kitty kibble, as do some of the birds, so a handful of that gets tossed out, too (much cheaper than peanuts)...
But before the squirrels and birds arrived at the breakfast bar, a midnight visitor came calling. Late in the evening something tripped the floodlight on the deck, so we looked out to see what it was, and this is what we saw...

A young possum feasting on the kitty kibble and peanuts.

Now I know that a lot of people think these little critters look just like rats (probably because of their long hairless tails), but I think he's actually quite adorable...

He just nibbled for a few minutes, and then left everything else for the birds and squirrels to find in the morning... I think the animals and birds are probably looking forward to the spring as much as I am!
What a delightful little chap. Does he come often? Our visitor during the warmer months is a hedgehog. I could sit for hours watching him. Margaret
Donna...that is one thing about fresh snow, it is so beautiful.. I also like the quietness that comes with it. It muffles the sound of the car tires on the road. Here in Maine, we didn't get the last storm, but we are bracing for temps that will struggle to get above zero degrees. I love your Critter. Last Friday I had a white weasal on my porch. I had never seen one before. LIfe is full of lovely surprises. Have a wonderful day! Hugs,
Donna......this is such a wonderful post!!! Your view into your yard is sooooooo beautiful with all the snow and the little white shed. I loved looking at them....and then to see that sweet little possum. So cute. I like possums. I hate rats....but, I think the possum is pretty darn cute. They look "shy" to me! lol
I used to have a BIG possum come every night to my ground feeder. Your's is a lot cuter. ;o)
I'm with you. I think they are darling! Guess us animal lovers love all animals huh? I even like rats.
I used to put a big bowl of cat food out and we had skunks, opossums and raccoons come every night. I loved it.
I ever had cats come. In fact, one of the cats ended up being my cat for 15 years!
The snow looks so pretty where you are. We are going to be in the high 70's to low 80's today with wind! YUCK!
I'm glad someone else thinks possums are cute! I have always found them adorable but when I say that to anyone they look at me like I'm nuts.
We used to have a Mama possum and her babies walk across the top of our fence in California. So cute!
What a beautiful view, and a beautiful home. Glad you were able to salvage your pressed flowers. :)
There are plenty of things in our house that are taped up and patched back together. :)
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!
I can't stand possom, but that little one IS kind of cute! Your suncatcher is beautiful, and how smart you were to add that window. laurie
...oh i think your possum is precious!! our home is called possum hill farm...we had a mama possum have her babies in the outside vents to our fireplace...they drove our border collie/shelty crazy...but we came to love the babies...matthew ...mark...luke and john!!!
The suncatcher is beautiful, I can see why you wanted to save it. The possum is so cute, thanks for the tip about the cat food, I wonder if doggy food would work... I have quite a few squirrels and one is building a nest nearby. I feel sorry for them trying to find food at this time of year. I have some peanuts out there now. I'll try the dog food to see if they take it.
Oh, isn't he just too cute! I think opossum are very cute actually. Outside my boys' bedroom window is a huge ficus tree and in that tree mother opossum have been known to make their home with wee babies. It's to cute to see mom and 2 babies trailing behind her. I really love how you help feed the critters during the cold winter months and you know how much I enjoy seeing sammy squirrel!
Your midnight visitor is quite cute. Several years ago, a big ol mama possum tried to steal our kittens off our back deck.
Your suncatcher looks very pretty with the snowy background.
OH! Jeanne at Backyard Neighbor says her visitors were bears who came to help themselves to birdfood. Be thankful for little possums!
Hi Donna
The snow looks so pretty from your window and it's so nice you get regular little visitors who share the treats. The possum is cute in a "Jan Brett" way (children's book illustrator that you probably know of)
Stay warm -- the NE is in for another arctic blast. I'm not looking forward to the bitter cold.
Hugs, Pat
I so enjoy those sweet creatures, also! We feed everybody over here...teens and beasts and even parents!!!! I'm sure they all enjoy your gorgeous home.
What a beautiful view from your window. I love your pressed flower suncatcher & the crack (I think it looks like a spider has created a web :-}) We have lots of possums too - a family has taken up residence in one of our neighbours sheds I think :-)
The snow is beautiful! I think the possum in cute. I don't like racoons at all though! They scare me!
My nickname growing up was "Possum" because my mom said I looked like one when I was born. Nice huh? I was in high school when I finally got my family finally quit calling me that! My mom would even yell out "Possum" in a store when she couldn't find me! I would ignore her because I was so embarrassed! It was a horrible nickname!
You can't even tell it was broken!
All that snow looks so pretty, but keep it up there, it is just too cold already!
Hi Donna~
Oh love that little possum so cute.. how fun to watch him..
Like Joanne K. said..Us animal lovers love all animals(:)
lovely window too..hugs, Patty
Oh, I tink possums are cute. Great photos!
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