I've met so many wonderful people through my blog, and I include you in the many blessings I'm thankful for this year... I love the caring and sharing community of blogging. I've learned so much from so many of you. It is truly a supportive group of women...

I've owned this book for many years now and I really, really like it. Are all of the suggestions practical for me? No. But enough of them are (emphasis on organization - my downfall) that I hope I can stick to reading each day's entry and apply those things that could benefit me in my life.
I've purchased my 2009 calendars, and have even made some entries already...

There's my Lang Lowell Herrero mini kitty calendar....

(Look at those sweet kitty faces and poses!!!)

...and my Flavia 'Garden of Hope' mini calendar...

... filled with words of wisdom and beautiful artwork... One calendar will hang in my office and the other in the kitchen...
Do you know that I have kept every one of my wall calendars since my girls were born? It's funny... back then most of the appointments were pediatrician appointments whereas now they're medical appointments for me! My, my, how things change in 20+ years!!
I wish you all a joyous and peace-filled 2009....
Happy New Year!!!
COMMENT UPDATE: I got the Flavia mini calendar at Wal Mart (before the holidays) and the LANG American Cat calendar at Borders this past week (50% off all calendars!)...
I love the cat calendar...being a cat lover myself. I, too, keep my calendars from year to year. They are almost like a diary...special events, appointments, even the temperature and storms are noted on mine. I am also thankful for the many women I have met in the blogging world....creative, funny, inspiring, talented, informative. Truly a blessing. Happy New Year! Kathleen
I love the Garden of Hope calendar? May I ask where you found it? I would just love to have one for my self. I have enjoyed your blog so thank you so much for your inspiration! A fellow blogger...:)
Happy New Year! I love the Lang Cat calendar....and how awesome that you got it 1/2 price! SCORE!!!
Thank you for reminding me to (re)start my Simple Abundance book today. I love that book as well, but have never finished it. Have you? I think I've only gotten as far as late Spring.
My daughter would love the Cat one, she loves cats, and dogs. I love the garden ones my old one has porches on it, I also love Thomas Kincaid, he is my favorite.. Have a wonderful New Year.
I kept my calendars from when my children were small, because I made milestone notes on them as well as appointments and meetings (took first steps, cut a tooth, etc.). It is so much fun to go back and read them. I also have a calendar from the year of my wedding, which is fun to go back and read. My current calendars are just too dull to keep!! You're right about doctor's appts. being a big part of them! Happy 2009! laurie
Happy New Year Sweet Donna! I have that book to...wait a minute...just went and got it, in hand as I write! I to will read it each day! Just ordered my calendar from Gooseberry Patch, on sale! Looking forward to visiting you in 2009!
Happy New Year!!! That book looks great!
I think this is one of the first years that I have really looked forward to getting a new calendar. Why? Because this year I know I can write down my weight loss, how much I exercised and keep track of my goals that I KNOW I will reach finally this year.
So girl, don't forget WE can do it this year! No ifs, ands or buts about it.
Hi Donna!
I discovered your blog through Kathleen's blog (thanks Kathleen). You are a gal after my own heart when it comes to animals. Your little black kitty looks just like my Ferguson who passed away in October. He was my sweet little boy as well. It's uncanny how much he looks like him! I am going to save you so I can visit you often! I hope you and your family had a wonderful New Year and Christmas!
Michelle (Mocha and Quincy)
Hi Donna I am in NE too! cute kitty!
Love peach more than pinks!
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