"I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul." (Jean Cocteau)
Some things are meant to be, and me finding Mr. B was one of them.

My boy, Mr. B/Blackie (July 1995 - Dec. 17, 2007)

This is another black kitty, Mrs. B, who was my sweet companion from 1976 - September 1993. She was my baby long before hubby or my girls came along. For 17 years she was my little purring machine... a lap cat during the day and a snuggler at night. I still miss her after all these years.

Shortly after we lost Mrs. B, the girls asked if we could get another kitty. (My heart wasn't ready for another, but at their young age, they had accepted the loss of Mrs. B and they were ready to love another kitty)... So I agreed, and we found a litter through our local pound. Each girl found a favorite, so we came home with two kitties instead of one (why I didn't see that one coming, I'll never know!).

Amanda picked sweet little Tiger, the runt of the litter, and Courtney picked handsome Spotty, the big brother. Tiger immediately bonded with Amanda, and Spotty with Courtney. To this day, Spotty and Tiger sleep on the girls' beds and they all share the same wonderful relationship I had with my Mrs. B.
Seeing that special bond made me miss my Mrs. B and having a kitty of my own... A couple of years after adopting Spotty and Tiger I was running errands when I happened to see a "Free Kittens" sign in someone's yard. Now I pass signs like that quite often, but this particular time I had a strong urge to pull over. I rang the doorbell and when a woman came to the door I said, "I doubt you're going to have what I want, but I'm looking for a long haired, affectionate, female black kitty," to which she replied, "I have one kitten left and you just described it." (See what I mean about "it was meant to be"?)

Just look at this little bundle of fur that I brought home that day. Of course when I brought him to the vet's office the following day for his first check-up they informed me that I had a little "he" instead of a little "she"!!

He was my cat and I was his person from day one.

He was more like a dog than a cat. All I had to do was call his name and he'd come running.

He'd follow me around the house, like a little puppy.

When I went to bed, I would snap my fingers and say, "Bedtime" and he'd come running running down the hall to the bedroom for our nightly ritual...

I sleep on my side and as soon as I got into bed, he'd leap up onto the bed and climb onto my hip to go to sleep...

In the morning, before my feet even hit the floor, he'd jump down off the bed and run into the bathroom where he'd wait for me (knowing that was always my first stop)...

It's hard to believe that it's been a year now... I miss him so much...

This beautiful portrait of my boy, painted by Amanda, was her Christmas present to me last year... What an incredible gift - and what a wonderful tribute to such an unforgettable cat...
"A cat doesn't want the world to love him - only those he has chosen." (Helen Thomson)
I know exactly how you feel Donna, and my heart feels your pain. Losing Mr. B was like losing a child, or a part of yourself. You are fortunate to have so many memories and pictures to share of your boy. And before that, Mrs. B. Two feline soulmates, one right after the other is a true blessing. I send you hugs on this one year anniversary of Mr. B's passing.
Here is the one I still miss: http://www.catster.com/cats/78000
Oh Donna, the pain is always there, isn't it, right under the surface. When we lost our dog, Winston, I was devastated... our dogs are our children. I'm thinking of you on this anniversary. Bless you.
Donna ~ what beautiful cats you have shared your lives with over the years. One day I will do a post on my sweet cat who passed away at 24! She followed me home from kindergarten and passed away shortly after my second child was born! I know how you are feeling this Christmas missing your sweet Mr. B. I am missing my Mr. B (Ben) as this is the first Christmas spent without him. Our pets are such a huge part of our lives!
thank you for sharing Mr. B with us and all the wonderful memories you have. Losing our furbabies can be so tough. They truly are not just "animals" to us, but members of our family and they own a part of our hearts. I just posted about my "Bailey" girl yesterday...I lost her Sunday night.
Hugs and may we both be comforted by our sweet memories and the thought that they are happy and whole again waiting for us at Rainbow bridge.
Your post was wonderful, such a loving tribute! I know exactly how you feel. I have been fortunate enough to share my world with several remarkable cats through the years; I still miss them all! Each time I lost a furry friend, I would swear "never again, the pain of losing is just too great." But soon, another cat would "happen" into my life and my heart. I now think maybe they were sent by the ones I'd lost, to help ease the pain and remind me how loved I've been!
Oh, I am sorry to hear about the passing of Mr B. What a lovely tribute to him a year later! I had a black kitty that followed me everywhere! He was my little buddy! I know how you feel! It is so sad to see them go! :)
Oh...I started to tear up. That's how I feel about my Meekie (Amica). She's a beautiful calico.
So sad! There is nothing like the unconditional love of your fur baby. I had a cat like yours. Followed me around like a dog. Waiting for me to walk in the front door. If I went to bed she was right there with me. After 17 years I had to send her to kitty heaven. I still miss her today.
Big hugs to you!
Awww I am such a cat lover too! I have had some angel kitty's that my heart still hasn't quite healed from loosing them. I thought that gift from your daughter was beautiful-what a very sweet thing for her to do! I loved the photo of your daughters kitty's in the doll house-priceless!
Such loving thoughts for your special beautiful babies. Love the pic of the two of them in the playhouse. They are always with us in our hearts and memories.
Our pets really do become our best friends and our children . I had my cat Sammy for 18 years and my dog Spunky for 17 years . It broke my heart when I lost them & said "never again".
Now I have to small poodles & they make me laugh every day of my life ....they are clowns and they brighten all my days.
That's what you have to remind yourself of ...how much they bring to your life.
:o) Sue
No truer words were ever spoken!!!!
M (eow) ^..^
What a touching story of "Your life in Cat Years".....
I need to do a story of My life in Dog Years.... but I don't think I could get though it..... your post has me crying for my dear sweet Sylvester..... he has been gone for 18 years but there never was a cat like him.... sigh..... I dream about him sometimes...
Teary HUgs
Bless your heart, I know how much it hurts when we lose our beloved animals. I have a huge soft spot for black kitties too. I hope that someday when your heart is healed a bit, another black kitty finds you. Bless you this Christmas season. Have a wonderful weekend.
Victoria Lynn
Hi Donna,
Here I am commenting on a post you wrote a year ago! I started to read your wonderful blog and one link took me to another and another -- all about cats! What great stories. Gosh...I thought I was an animal lover but you have left me in the dust. I applaud you for your sensitivity and love towards these helpless little Angels.
xoxo Amy
Hi Donna, I'm sorry for your loss. I am a huge cat lover too and breed himalayans. As much as they are beautiful and sweet, they don't compare to my black cats for some reason. I lost my first black cat in 1999 after only 4 years! He was so special. Now i have another black cat who is equally ethereal and seems to stare into my soul and has a ritual each night like you described. It may sound strange, but black cats are truly special. There will be another black cat for you. When you feel better, take a chance on another kitty just for yourself. Jen
Thank you Donna for your kind comments about the dollhouse. I really wanted one and he obliged. I'm 10 yrs. old stuck in this body!!
I have to say your blog is just beautiful! From the pics of baby (maine coon?)coming out of the hole in the bed to the shabby chic fireplace! And those vintage angels in your window, gorgeous!! lOVE it all!! I am new to blogging and am just figuring out how to do the basics!
I hope your Dad is doing better today. I'll say a prayer for him. I know how hard that is for the family.And you!!
Take care of yourself and be good to you. Kindness to the self is utmost importance!
Wow! Your Mr. B looks just like my little Schmoopy. She lived with us for 16.5 years. We had to put her to sleep last Friday, and I miss her terribly. She came to our home on Halloween day 1995. She showed up at the school where I was teaching at the time. She was injured and couldn't walk. I took her to the vet and she became a part of our family. It took us about 12 years to gain her trust and it was well worth the investment. The last 4.5 years were so precious. She was sooooo tiny and would sleep on my hip too. I miss my baby girl. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
What a loving tribute to special friends. Mr B was meant to be with you, I think Fate plays a huge role in who we share our lives with. The pain of losing them never really goes away but eventually the happy memories and their little ways last longer than the hurt of loss. x
I have read and re-read your post today and I am so teary eyed. I am very touched by your beautiful telling of your baby kitty now all grown up. I am catless at the moment and thinking of bringing one home soon. One concern I have is the scratching and furniture destruction - that is a reason I am catless at present.
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