I took my herb pots in a couple of days ago because the nights have been downright frigid around here...

For the time being I've put them in my dining room window (although my Christmas cactus is not too happy about this arrangement since it has "lived" in this window for years and years!!)

What's left of the basil is looking a little rough....

The oregano is looking pretty good though...

The rosemary is looking a bit sparse...

Since this is the south-facing side of the house, I'm hoping these will get enough sunlight to keep them going, but that may be asking a lot of this gardener who definitely lacks a green thumb. I wonder if they will require some type of fluorescent lighting above them...
Hope you are warm and cozy wherever you are...
Donna (who is not at all enjoying the c-o-l-d weather)
COMMENT UPDATE: Hi Patty! The banner is a cropped photo of my Mrs. B, the beautiful kitty who graced us with her presence from 1976 to 1993.
Hello Donna, I love growing herbs... I'm sure yours will do fine in that windowsill... Your home really DOES look like an enchanted cottage! Hope it warms up some for you... looks cozy inside!... Bisous... Julie Marie
Your herbs look great ...especially after being hit with cold weather. Try putting a plant light on them.
I enjoy your blog.
Hi Donna ..
YOur banner is darling did you make it??
Hope the herbs live ...
I'm sure with a south facing window your herbs will do just fine. I have to ready all of my things outside as it has started turning much colder than what we usually receive this time of year. At least the rain has stopped for a while!
Your banner is very cute!
Take Care!
Love the new banner.
Hope your herbs enjoy the window.
Can you believe how cold it is? I actually like the cool days but it's too cold at night. Brrr!
Have a great weekend.
I bet it smells wonderful in there! I don't usually bring my herbs in, but I don't get the cold weather you do. I'm still in shorts and t-shirt!
Love the Halloween banner. We had to bring all our plants in too since the weather is getting so much colder. The house feels like it is shrinking.:)
If your christmas cactus begins to fail put it back in the window. Sometimes change is too much and they never really recover. You might consider a tiny grow light for the herbs once a day.
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