At $6 for the pair I wasn't about to pass on them... I mean they're cottage blue with peachy pink roses! Does it get any better than that? I think not!

I've had them since April and figured it was high time I put them to use. I originally intended for them to be part of our bedroom makeover, but since that has yet to happen I thought I'd find another place for them in the meantime...

So here they are, with their little white Target lampshades, making their home on top of the pie safe in the living room.

They brighten up this little corner on cloudy (snowy!) days, like today....

...and give a nice soft glow to that corner of the room at night (I'm using oversized 40 watt candleabra bulbs in them)...

Of course when one does a little "tweaking" to one area, it leads to a lot of tweaking in other areas... For example, I had to find a new place for the lamp that was previously on top of the pie safe...

... and for the the pink polka dotted pumpkin which has now been replaced by the 'button' vase of roses (although the jury's still out on that one...)

... and for the the pink polka dotted pumpkin which has now been replaced by the 'button' vase of roses (although the jury's still out on that one...)
Of course tweaking and rearranging is always fun, isn't it? So in my next post I'll show you what else got moved around!
Thank you to Cielo at The House in the Roses for hosting "Show Off Your Cottage Monday." Visit her blog to participate with your own post or to visit all the other cottage bloggers sharing something they love about their cottages!
Hi Donna,
I love these sweet $6.00 lamps wow, what a deal! I noticed you have the Enchanted Makeover tag on your sidebar. Saturday my DH & I volunteered at Vista Maria with Terry. I spent the day painting with green then painting with yellow...my manicure suffered, but it was good for my soul.
Very cute lamps! That's one thing I hardly ever find while treasure hunting. I do however, find planty of ugly ones! Ha! ♥
Your lamps look adorable there! We must all be having the nesting instinct due to the cool weather. I also pulled out a lamp I had not been using and set it up in the living room. I don't like the darkness of shorter days. We all need a little more light in our lives!
Living it up at Lakewood,
You are so lucky to have found those lamps at that price. I would have gotten them too. Lovely pictures.
Hi Donna, How have you been? Your sweet little lamps look great on the dresser. I also love the glitter words on your mirror. I've got You Look Fabulous on mine and it throws people a little when they first see it. Fun to watch. Enjoy~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Love those sweet shabby lamps. They're adorable! And if you decide not to use that pumpkin, send it my way I've got a home for it!
Good morning Donna, thank you for your sweet comment on my mom's china and the bedroom. Yes, it is a huge room. Perfect for when we have grand kids week in the summer. Mattresses are put on the floor wall to wall and a huge pajama party happens in there. We sleep in there with them. Otherwise the bedroom is way bigger than it needs to be. I do love it though.
Your beautiful lamps are stunning. I would have bought them too. I think they look lovely on the pie safe. Love the pie safe. The bird cage and the pumpkin will look cute anywhere. I rarely move much but moving things was my mother's passion. When we came home from school we never knew what to expect next. She was very good at decorating though. A fond memory of my mom.
Have a happy cottage day.
Hugs, Jeanne
Your lamps are so romantic. I love them.
Oooh Donna your little lamps are beautiful! And I love the pricetag! I also love your pink pumpkin! Bisous... Julie Marie
Hi Donna,
Your lamps are very cute! I love the white dresser they are on too. Happy Monday.
What a deal on those lamps! They look so sweet with the shades and where you placed them.~Patti
omg! Those lamps are to die for! Great find!! They look lovely on your pie safe. Gotta mention the rat in the cage...spooky!!!
Love you polka dot pumpkin, sweet.
Thanks for the visit!
They are darling!
I love decorating but sometimes I get overwelmed with the "finding new spots" for other things.
Donna, Wish you could come eat some Tuna Casarole with me too! It sure is good.
Those lamps are very pretty and what a steal! Your whole house is very pretty! :-)
Our little keet hen is not doing very well. I think she has had a stroke in the past week. A couple of months ago, she started showing signs of congestive heart failure. I thought "any day now..." I attached the nesting box on the cage b/c she likes it and she began to show renewed energy and vigor. So much so I thought we might have babies... I think she is just too old. And that is fine. (whew!) She is skin and bone now and drawn up on one side, unable to use one leg. Usually when a budgie is at that point, it is a matter of hours or a day or two. I guess she loves life! It is so sweet though, how her husband (Tweety) is helping her around the cage, etc. He is feeding her, making sure she has everything she needs. So attentive and so very sweet. Reminds me of elderly couples who have been together for a long time and one begins to experience failing health and the other tends to them so lovingly. So sweet.
I love these lamps! They look beautiful on your dresser. I love the soft light you get whenever you use lamps instead of over head lights.
Hi Donna!
Those lamps are so charming! I can't believe you got them for $6.00! They certainly look lovely on your pie safe.
I'm loving my pumpkins, by the way! I gaze at them all the time! And I love the photo on your banner - could your girls be any cuter?
Your lamps are amazing! and they were made for your cottage!
Hugs, Lisa
Ahhh, a little house, a house of my own, out of the wind's and rain's way... yes, we're so fortunate to have a safe place to call "home"... thank you for participating in "Show Off Your Cottage Monday".... hope to see you again next Monday!
Hugs and blessings
Such sweet lamps! I think they're perfect in the spot you found for them.
Sheila :-)
They look so pretty. Now you get to find something new for your bedroom, because I'm sure these have found a permanent home here. laurie
Oh I do love those blue and rose lamps! How blessed to find them and so reasonable too!! They look lovely on your dresser!
Those lamps are beautiful and what a great price!
the lamps just lovely.. suits for the room.. and I love your pie safe! something that I always wish to have one in my home..
Such cute little lamps! Don't you just love moving things about? Like redecorating without the expense!
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