Picture 1: The petunia in focus... the shed and yard out of focus.

Picture 2: The petunia out of focus... the shed and yard in focus...
Her friends all left with the first frost, but she has hung around to watch the yard turn from green to gold, and to see sprigs of orange leaves replace the summer's pink flowers in the windowboxes...

Her friends don't know what they missed... It's been a beautiful autumn. Of course it was a beautiful summer, too... I miss you, summer, no matter how short or rainy you were...
I have a few impatiens that are still hanging in there in the pots on my porch - I miss summer, too. I also dread cleaning out the pots and putting everything away for the winter. I tend to put that off as long as possible!
I love the swan on your header, Donna! Beautiful! Where did you get it?
What a darling shed!
I say thank you for your kind words on my blog! I look around often at you!:)
There is Aloe Vera for me my flower. Your kitten is very kind!:)
Blessings: Monika_Mammka
I still have a few lingering flowers too. They seem to be staying longer than the leaves on the trees!! Really like your shed with the window boxes. Do you change them out for the fall/winter? I put pansies in mine although I am behind this year!
I have some pathetic petunias still hanging on by a thread, no where near as lovely as yours. And, I'm with you -- I miss summer already!
What a precious little petunia sticking around to keep you company through the fall! What a pretty shade of blue. Now I love the 'tree house' she hanging on. Is that a green house? Enjoy.
I'm so glad you liked my little doggy bookends. I just have a weakness of little dog stuff! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
We're still having nice, well, beautiful weather here. Not hot, not cold. Shorts weather still. Working in the garden kind of weather.
That is such a pretty picture with that darling shed in the background.
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