So now, in addition to the snowflakes hanging inside the house...

...we have the real thing outside, clinging to branches and covering the ground.

The mulberry tree looks so magical with it's white branches! Thank goodness it was a light snow (about 3"). We need to build up to these things gradually... we certainly don't want to be whalloped with a blizzard right off the bat!

I think it will be many, many months before we're enjoying meals on the deck again... And even if it wasn't snowy, it's just too darned cold out there!

So I'll be content to stay toasty warm inside, admiring Old Man Winter through my windowpane. (By the way - that does say JINGLE, not INGL! The "J" and "E" are being camera shy!
Wishing you wonderful, safe winter weather wherever you are!
Pretty photos. I live in California where we don't really experience all of the seasons fully. I've always wondered what it must be like to live with snow.
Donna my friend what you have is just a dusty of snown...girl I got over a 1 and half in 3 hours on Sunday and still can't see my drive way ha ha!! Hey and I live in Sunny Calif....Hope all is well on your side of the mountain my friend....hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
It snowed here tonight too and it's beautiful. By February I will be sick of it but for now it's beautiful.
Cold here, too, in the southwest desert of Idaho, but your photos are stunningly gorgeous, sugar! I love watching the snow...
Well I thought it was cold here! It was 40 this morning (very cold for where I live).
Your cold is just picture perfect though. How I wish we got snow here.
I see you are back to doing great on WW! Good for you!
We had our first real snow on Saturday as well. And, we are getting more this morning. I am in New England as well. In N.H. to be exact. I love this time of year. Now, snow in April I could do without.
All that snow is just lovely! Hope you are staying safe, warm, and dry!
Pretty snowfall wasn't it? We had some here on Saturday too. A little early for me but pretty.
I love your bird cage with the crystals hanging from it, so elegant. The nest banner is lovely. I've got to try making one of those. I have seen them often and just love them.
INGLE! Hee-hee! So glad we met, Donna! ♥
We Got our fare share of snow last night. I too plan on staying cozy and warm inside today. Even going to build a fire in the hearth. Blessings today!
It's cold here, but no snow. Hopefully in a week or less we'll have some warmer temps. Just sit inside and look at all your pretties. Like your birdcage!
We had snow too (see blog). Snow is just so photogenic:)
Blog: The Capers of the Vintage Vixens
Hi Donna; Oh what gorgeous photos.. I know it is cold and snowy, but it is so pretty through your window... so you be safe and stay warm... have a good week,.
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