The clematis that climbs the arbor leading into the backyard is sprouting new shoots. Before long it will be covered in beautiful purple flowers. The cherry tree is just starting to bud.
You'll notice that squirrels have enlarged the openings to many of our birdhouses. One of the houses actually has a mom, dad, and baby squirrels right now. I didn't photograph that one because I didn't want to startle them.
The robins have been bathing with reckless abandon in the birdbaths in the yard. My garden lady looks naked without her flower hat, but it's still too early to plant that... I'm thinking she might look good with a hat of coral impatiens this year.... or maybe pink fuschias to attract the hummingbirds...
This was fun... Thanks for joining me on my midnight stroll...
Update: I just showed my husband these photos as he'd already gone to bed when I took them last night... After viewing them, he said it looked like we live in an overgrown cemetery! (I think it was the last picture with the 'hatless' woman bust that did it... I don't think he's ever cared for her! LOL) So just in case anyone else was thinking the same thing... rest assured, we don't live in an overgrown cemetery. I'll post more cheerful daytime photos of the garden when things get planted and start blooming!
How alluring! Love your bunnies most of all...
Hi Donna!
I loved your moon lite garden tour, and no it does not look like a cemetery! I looks enchanting! tee-hee! And your jelly cupboard makeover is too cool! What an adorable corner you created. Get the tea set out, I'm comin' over for a cup to enjoy your decorating!
Hugs, Sherry
What a fun idea, a moonlight stroll through the garden! Looks great! I've been hard at work on my gardens this weekend only to have my dog trample over everything to chase a squirrel!
LOL Donna! It does NOT look like a cemetery!! LOL Leave it to a man to say something like that...
rue :)
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