Mm mm, not this one either. He keeps my pins and needles organized when I sew... (can you tell how much sewing I do? He doesn't look like he's had a hole poked in him yet!)

And this little guy, well he's as "quiet as a mouse, " always with his nose in a book...

No.... the mouse that starts with "Oh, dear..." is the one that makes the cat(s) sit for hours on end, just like this, staring into the corner of the kitchen.

Oh, dear.....
This post really made me smile. Which I really needed right now. I happen to love mice (well not living in my house though) and I always think it's funny when someone is scared of such a tiny thing.
Once I was at a store called Sharper Image and this big young guy with tattoos all over was waiting on us. Well he screamed like a little girl because a mouse ran by and he was scared to death of them.
I had to go scoot it out of the store for him. Poor guy, I thought we were going to lose him for a minute.
Good luck though, hope that little guy decides to go live outside where he belongs.
I hope your kitty is better at mousing than our first cat...she stalked and sat for an hour and then when the little guy finally DID run in front of her...she froze...and then he ran right back into the cupboard...and she continued to stalk...BIG hunter! :) Of coure, I don't know what I would have done if she would have caught him...I didn't want him killed either! :) Just relocated!
Well, NnN, I have a soft spot for the mice in the house, too, just as you and Joanne do. When I see the cats in that position, I put out my "have a heart" mouse traps, and if/when I catch one I set it free. I used to bring them out to the backyard and let them go until my hubby convinced me that the mice probably made it back into the house quicker than I did! Now I take them for a little drive... to a field, or the woods.. Sounds ominous, doesn't it? LOL
You take your mice for a drive??? Think I have a few in the attic, want to take mine for a drive too?
I had a mouse once, years ago when we had to dig up our basement floor for some plumbing work, and I think it crawled in from outside. It was so tiny! My cat stalked it for hours. Then one day it went away and never came back. I guess the cat either scared him or..ewwwww..ate him!
I hope there is a happier ending for your guest!
I really don't like mice....they are so tiny but yet we are so afraid of them, it's a silly picture. They probably look up at us and think holy cow....and then we scream and run off. Go figure.
LeAnn :)
Uh oh!
We had one of those left on our front path morning before last...
Our poor little Buttercup didn't know, she thought it was a gift for us.
Found you through sweet Rue's blog. I love your animals - how sweet your memorial to your four-legged friends passed on, a lovely thing ;)
I just love your *New* fireplace and pictures of your topper. I actually remember seeing some of these in the HGTV home is just lovely! Love all of your re-do's! I'd like to add your blog to mine!
Have a blessed day! Lorena
What a cute post Donna :)
Would you believe that our cat could care less and it's Shiloh that will go crazy over it? LOL
Hi Donna(:)
Just love your little cottage mouse with the pink angora sweater ~~~ How darling .. hope you're having a good week ..hugs Patty
"And my what lovely new feet you have". I read that Arnold Lobel book so many times to my boys and we quote it from time to time. I am rather fond of the rodents myself as long as they stay outside; I hate it when the cats bring them home..very sad.
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