Friday, May 16, 2008

Cottage Charm Giveaway#1 - Cottage by the Sea

CONGRATULATIONS to Anonymous ( for being the winner of the Cottage by the Sea giveaway!!!

How fun! I've decided to take part in Kim's (The Twice Remembered Cottage - One Woman's Cottage Life) 2nd annual cottage giveaway (be sure to visit her site for links to all of the participating blogs!)... and I've decided to do not one, but two giveaways!

Since I live in New England, I had to do one ocean-themed giveaway! So this is Giveaway #1, the "Cottage by the Sea" collection, and the winner will receive everything pictured above...

... a sweet little 8" wreath that is covered with seashells of creamy white, cottage blue and robin's egg blue (all the colors of the ocean!)...

... a distressed mermaid on a pedestal, measuring just under 9" wide x 15" tall...

... a box of 8 flameless, flickering (battery operated) tealite candles in the most heavenly blue ever! And lastly, a set of 5 cottage-colored, lace trimmed doilies - cottage blue, minty green, sunny yellow, soft cream, and pure white, all about 5"x7"...

To be entered into the drawing for this collection, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post or any future post up until the drawing date of May 31st. You do not have to have a blog to enter, but if your comment doesn't link back to a blog, be sure to leave an e-mail address so that I can notify you if you win!

I'm also going to post a second giveaway within the next day or two. You can enter that giveaway the same way - just by leaving a comment on that post or any other post through May 31st.

If you comment on any other posts I make between now and May 31st, and would like that comment to count toward the giveaway, then put #1 for this drawing or #2 for the next drawing after your comment so I know which giveaway you want your name entered into. If you don't care which drawing you're entered into, just put #1/#2 after your comment. The more comments you leave between now and May 31st, the more chances you have to win, but just one comment per post please :)

Aren't giveaways so much fun?? Thank you, Kim, for such a great idea, and good luck everyone!!



Joanne Kennedy said...

I LOVE a give away! Count me in! The Cottage by the Sea give aways are beautiful and would go perfect in my bedroom make over! So this post is for #1 of course!

Hugs to you,

betty R.~Simply Southern said...

i would love to win this..enter me please...i also invite you and your readers to enter mine as well to win a diaper cake-value 55.00...

thank you

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness...I love your prize. I used to live by the sea and miss it so much. Please enter me. I am also participating in the give away!


Cindy said...

Wow, you are putting me to shame! I love your giveaways! Either one is fine with me!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Donna,
This is a lovely giveaway - how nice of you, not one - but two?

I have to say, I love that mermaid and I would love to be entered for the #1 giveaway by you.

I really need to do a giveaway myself and very soon! Sounds like a lot of fun ;)

Happy weekend!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

WOW! What a fantastic giveaway Donna!
I would like to enter #1 please. I love that mermaid!
Hugs, Sherry

G said...

What beautiful items!!! The mermaid is especially wonderful. Please add my name for #1!

Rue said...

I would love to win any treasure you have chosen to give away :)

Thank you for the words of inspiration ;)


a pink-bee said...

What wonderful things you have in the cottage giveaway :) Please enter me in drawing #1 . Thanks :)
Am having a giveaway this month on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love it !!!!
Please enter me in drawings #1/#2


Judy Morphis said...

This post is for #1. My master bath is done in sea shells and this would be a perfect addition. What a wonderful giveaway!

KimmyJ said...

Please add me to this goregous giveaway! And I am glad to have discovered your blog!

BailiwickStudio said...

You're offering a very lovely giveaway - please count me in! I love the sea, too. ::Jill

Tracy said...

Lovely gift-aways! Please enter me in the drawing. :)

cargol said...

WoW, how generous you are Donna! Of course I would love to be entered into the drawing. Having grown up in New Jersey, every summer we would go to the beach for a week and stay in the cutest little cottages ( of course I was under 11 so I probably thought staying anyplace that our home was a great adventure) Have very found memories of collecting shells on the beach with my Mom.

Susan in SC said...

Please count me in! Your items are beautiful and you are very generous. Love you kitties too!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I love all those things and I think they would look perfect in my house. Hmmmmm, could I maybe end up being the winner?? LOL. Count me in chickie!!


Life on the Edge said...

Oh, count me in! Those are all just beautiful! I especially like that mermaid. How sweet of you to have a giveaway!

{oc cottage} said...

Great goodies! Count me in!

M ^..^

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

What a great giveaway. Love the Mermaid. Please enter me in your giveaway #1.

Irma :)

Sometimes It's Good said...

Oh I love the mermaid and the wreath and the napkins and everything!!! Please count me in for #1. I am collecting ocean themed things for my dream cottage by the sea.

Anonymous said...

You are very generous!
Please enter my name.

Thank you,

Michele said...

How AWESOME!! I have my apartment decorated (or am trying anyway) in an oceon theme, and I just LOVE your giveaway!! Please enter me in yours!


Karen ~ Cider Antiques said...

Hello, Absolutely lovely giveaway ! Please sign me up for #1.

I also invite the readers to sign up for my cottage charm giveaway at .

Thank you ! Karen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please enter me as well! That mermaid is especially adorable!

Betty Jo said...

How fun and what a beautiful blog you have. I'm going to join the give-away too on my new blog, just as soon as my computer is repaired. Please sign me up for yours!!

Anonymous said...

You have offered such beautiful items for your giveaway. Please include me.

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

WOW! What a give away! I just found you through One Woman's Cottage Life and am so glad I did. Please enter me in for #1! I'll be back again and again, just to enjoy your blog (and maybe enter into #2?)
Thank you!
Patricia :o)

Anonymous said...

I don't usually enter give aways... I just like to visit with everyone... but I have mermaids in my master bath... and shells.... and I LOVE your mermaid..

Lorrie said...

Such a lovely giveaway. I live by the sea as well, on an island, so this would fit perfectly.

Your blog is lovely, I'm looking forward to exploring more of it.


Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

What fantastic items! I would love to be entered in this giveaway!


goalmom said...

Everything looks lovely! Please enter me in your giveaway.


maria said...

i love this website! the creativity, inspiration and talent is wonderful. The cottage by the sea sings to my heart.
thank you so much for sharing your talent!

Anonymous said...

How I love the creativity, inspiration and whimsy of this site! The cottage charm giveaway speaks to my heart! Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Super give away...count me in. Love the mermaid.

Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway, Please enter me!
Debbie from

Kristi~The Slipcover Girl said...

I love a cottage by the sea! Mine is a beach cottage...just not by the sea yet! Love your giveaway! Please include me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What lovely items you are giving away. Please count me in!
Either one is fine with me.

Ciao, Helena

Scott Franson Photography said...

Oh my gosh, you found some wonderful treasures. Great blog, please enter me in the drawing for #1.

Unknown said...

I've got gizmos and gadgets aplenty... I am smitten by Seascape decorations! Please sign me up for this Giveaway! And, thanks for doing this!


Peggy said...

You have a beautiful blog!The color of the background is so unique. Please enter me in your give away. Thanks!

Robin said...

Oh my goodness! What pretties! I'd love to win! said...

I agree, I just love giveaways! I have them all the time, I enjoy them so much. Thanks for offering this one.

Gabrielle Mader said...

OH some gorgeous items..I'd love to be your drawing..I need to go back and see your looks like a beauty.


Mrs. Everything said...

Oh I love it! I'm redoing my house in serene blues and creams and this would be PERFECT!

Gayla said...

Please sign me up... Thanks.

These are wonderful. Either one is fine with me.

Kristi Price said...

Please include me and thank you for your giveaway!

I would love to visit New England one day. I bet living by the ocean is so peaceful. Take care!

Sue Cahill said...

You are so right, giveaways are fun. I hope that I can win yours, that would be fantastic.
(sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

RobinBirdsNest said...

oh please enter me in giveaway #1!! It is so cool!! Love the mermaid!! Your blog is so pretty. Glad I found it!!

misskp said...

Love the mermaid! Your decorating style is wonderful!

Linda said...

Hi Donna,
I just found you via Kim's blog and I'm so glad that I did. Love the items that you are giving away can't wait to see what else you come up with, I will check back later.
Cheers Linda

Anonymous said...

#1 and #2 of course. Thank you. Beautiful things.


Yelowflower said...

Thank you for sharing, you items are wonderful. #1/#2

Lolly said...

I love your blog - please enter me in your very generous giveaway! I love the pics of your sweet little four-legged children on your side-bar!!

Lisa said...

Please enter me in your generous giveaway...I'm dreaming of a summer vacation by the sea. With gas prices as they are, it looks like winning this will be the closest I get to the ocean!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

I love this! Thank you for joining in on the fun. Please sign me up. You have beautiful items. Debbie

tjmetz said...

I must have that distressed mermaid! Such a generous giveaway, thanks so much for the chance! Oh & I'm posting for #1 if that wasn't evident already! LOL


Marilyn said...

Cottage by the Sea--the name alone is so peaceful! And your giveaway items are gorgeous! I would love to enter my name for a chance!
Thanks, Marilyn:)

debi said...

Do we need to choose? I would be glad to have whatever you chose for me if I were to actually win.

Julie said...

That mermaid and wreath would look so beautiful in our cabana. I hope I win!

Cami said...

Numero uno! #1 that is... Cottage by the sea. That phrase runs through my head more often than you could know! Thank you fo ryour generosity.

domi2.5 said...

Count me in, your prizes are amazing! 1/2

Anonymous said...

Hi, Please include me in your wonderful giveaway!
Great blog, by the way!

Joanna said...

Well since I live in New England too, I need a New England wreath!!! Here's hoping!

Dragonlady said...

I live in Florida on the east coast and I love your sea shelled wreath and the other fantastic items too...

Anonymous said...

I want to enter. I'm redecorating my living room with a beach theme and that would be a perfect match!!

email: reynieford at hotmail dot com

StitchinByTheLake said...

I love surprise gifts and I really love the lace doilies. So this post is for #1.

Anonymous said...

I love your beach-themed items, especially the mermaid.


Paula said...

Would love to win your fabulous giveaway! Love your blog & your very creative. Please enter me! Thanks Paula

Steve & Joyce Rodli said...

Such pretties. happy happies to you Donna

maggie said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Since I live on an island on the east coast of Canada (Nfld.) I love all things related to the sea. Please count me in.

Jennifer said...

what a cute bunch of fun stuff! wow! please enter me into #1 for this comment! thanks! :)

Kaylyn said...

So pretty!!! Pick me please! :)

Unknown said...

I love ocean/seaside decorating! Please include me in your drawing! I just posted mine today.

Theresa N. said...

Beautiful!! Did you make them yourself? I have a seaside bathroom
and added bits all over the house.
Theresa N

Ginny Worden said...

Oh what fun,a piece of the North American country side I have always wanted to visit. Pehaps I could pretend with these lovelies in my home. Please include me, and thank you, what a warm, and generous person you must be to do this.

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Gorgeous wreaths! I would love to win this one!


Terry said...

Thanks so much for offering this prize! I love the seashore even though I live far away from it! Please add my name to your drawing #1! :0)
Hugs, Terry

windycindy said...

Hi, Such a lovely site! I love it up East. Your sea creations are wonderful! Please enter me in your drawing. I really appreciate it!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Your offerings are so beautiful. Please enter me my blog is having trouble staying logged in so I will leave my e-mail addy it is again and wishing you a lovely weekend...mary

Margo said...

What a gorgeous giveaway! My little girls' bathroom is beach themed and those would go perfect in it. So would the FLAMELESS tealights!

Tina Leavy said...

oh my gosh..I just love that mermaid! oooh I'd love love to win your drawing, as after all I'll be putting my home on the market in January and starting afresh in south Florida..oh my..a fun coastal themed bathroom would be nice. thanks for the opportunity.

littlethings1 said...

I love your blog & you have a fabulous giveaway ( keeping my finger's crossed) !! Iam also posting a giveaway on my blog this weekend sometime !!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in on your beautiful give away! I love your blog!


Sugarplum Cottage said...

Please include my name, Love the seashells, so refreshing.

Hugs, RoseMarie

Carrie P. said...

I don't live by the ocean but I love your give away. It is lovely!!

Rae said...

Living in New England is so wonderful. And winning this give away would make it even more so!

Annabelle said...

Okay,you stole my heart! I luv the sea and mermaids and shells and sea glass and coral and cameos,well essentially everything to do with the sea!I even was very lucky last week to find probably my fav Treasure of the Sea at a garage sale.I posted it on my blog and if interested to see what it is one must go check it out. I'll be very happy to be entered in the Mermaid Giveaway please. Glad to have found your site and thanks for sharing.

The Charm House said...

What a perfect, beautiful gift!!!! I have a passion with the ocean~ It is where I run to find peace and pull myself back together! This is going to make one person very blessed! God Bless You for your kindness!

Anonymous said...

Would love to be included!
Thank you so much!!


Anonymous said...

Pick me, Pick me :)

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

What pretty things you have.

Anonymous said...

How fun! Please count me in for the #1 drawing. Thanks!

Recycled Rita said...

Please enter me in both drawings...they are soooooo beautiful! karen b...

traci in virginia said...

What a beautiful giveaway. Count me in for #1. You make me want to go shopping and redecorate! Have a great day!

Karin said...

Please enter me in drawings #1/#2.

Thank you.

Rhondamum said...

What a wonderful event! Please add me to your giveaway! Thanks so much!


Trudi said...

I would love to be put into your prize drawing.

Darlene said...

This is such a good idea! And I love your giveaway....crossing my fingers hoping I win!

Harbor Hon said...

Since my apartment is decorated in an ocean/sea theme, the mermaid would go so well. Please enter my name and thank you for hostessing this giveaway. xxoo

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I am 103!! That's alot of comments :)

Very cute giveaway, these would be a wonderful addition to any home

Unknown said...

Lovely items - please count me in

Sarah Taylor said...

Oh my! What a lovely giveaway! This is the first time I've come across your blog...I'm looking forward to visiting again!

Anonymous said...

EEEKKK!!! oh please oh please pick me! I love the mermaid soo much I collect them and I have never seen one like that! the goodies are calling out my name!! hugs


Heidi said...

anything you choose seems dreamy! enter me please!

Julie L. Light said...

I would love to win these beautiful goodies, you are very generous!

Have a fabulous day!

Anonymous said...

OOOhhhh how fun! First, I have my paint & and the ugly dresser my husband picked I am going to besanding and apinting tomorrow at this time ! Your furniture & and mantle- beautiful. the wonderful mermaid & the #1cottage giveaway, count me in!!! hugs & thanks, Monica

Anonymous said...

Hi there, it's so very kind of you to give those beautiful prizes. I would sure love to win them, so please consider this my entry for the #1 drawing.
Many Thanks, Barbara Watkins

mrsmorris said...

What a thrill it would be to win your lovely prizes. Please count me in!

Thank you!


mrsmorris said...

What beautiful treasures you have to share! Please enter my name and if you have not already done so, please enter at my blog too :).


Nancy said...

I totally need this to go with my "Tea by the Sea". Honest - it's on my blog! This is really beautiful AND unique. Count me in. Nancy

mysteryhistorymom said...

Be still my heart! I am in love with your mermaid and your wreath! Please enter me in your giveaway #1. Thanks so much for hosting this!:-) Lori

Kimberly said...

Oooo, I love that mermaid; I need to win her! Thank you so much for inviting us to participate in your giveaway!

Penny @ Miss Pootsie's Primitives said...

Please enter me in your giveaway #1. You have such lovely things to give to us lucky bloggers!!! Thanks & God Bless, Penny, Miss Pootsie's Primitives

Decor To Adore said...

Such loveliness.

I can't wait to come back and peruse your blog at length.

Pop on by my blog as I am having a give away as well.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Please sign me up! I love seashells.


* elizabeth * said...

Oh my. Sign me up. That meramid is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Everything looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

I love the color of your blog backround! your giveaway is great! Please enter me in! #1 or #2

Karalyn said...

Love your Sea-themed giveaway - please include me. As a displaced New Englander (I'm in the mid-west now), I try to surround myself with memories of the sea.
Thank you.

Herbgirl said...

I'm commenting on both of your awesome giveaways #1 and #2. Thanks, Mandy

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...everything is so beautiful!! Please enter me for this lovely giveaway. Thank you so much!!


jennjenn said...

Your things are gorgeous! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!!!

cherished*vintage said...

Beautiful giveaway! I'd love to win #1. I love the wreath! Thanks for offering these pretty things!

Anonymous said...

How lovely! I think the wreath looks beautiful draped around the mermaid. Please enter me for #1. Thanks.


Angie(quillysilly) said...

I am so in love with your goodies that you are giving away! I have to win!! Thanks for hosting such a lovely time...Angie

Anonymous said...

I love your site. Just looking at the fireplace and chair makes you want to curl up with a good book.

Unknown said...

Oh! Please pick me!! Beautiful treasures!!


Heather - Speckled Egg said...

What a beautiful blog and a wonderful giveaway!

I just added a giveaway to my blog as well... hope you can stop by! :)

Toystory said...

Please enter me..and thanks.

Tonya said...

How simply amazing! Gorgeous! I absolutely adore the wreath, how serene it is!


Victorian Lady said...

I am SO subscribing to your is beyond beautiful! I WANT your garden! Got any tips for an Arizonian? lol #1 please...thank you so much!

I'll be back!


Jenna Z said...

All I can say is WOW! What an awesome selection of goodies!

Anonymous said...

OMGosh! What a gorgeous blog you have, and what a delightful give away! Ohhhhhhhhh, those tealite candles, and colored doilies are just darlin'. Am a sea lover, too! Would love to be entered in your drawing. . . . .

. . .and come on over to my give away at Mountain Meadows, if you get a minute, as I have a seashore item you just might like. :-) Thanks much for this lovely give away, Donna!! This is all so fun!

Kai said...

Please, include my name in your giveaway! I'm JUST learning about this tonight so I'm LATE checking out all these blogs, but WOW! Such fun! Love all these new blogs I'm seeing!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

OH my what lovely giveaway items! That mermaid is adorable & I love the shade of those blue flicker lights!!! Yes, please please enter me!!!

Angelic Accents

Anonymous said...

Your blog is beautiful!! Please enter me into #1. Thanks, Kristin

Rene said...

This is wonderful. That wreath needs to be in my laundry room. Pick me!!

Grateful Gramma said...

Great giveaway! Please enter my name. Thanks!

MimiG said...

Yummy! Love this giveaway!

Angie at Home said...

Oh my birthday is June 1 - what a great giveaway... please enter me....

Happy Saturday!

Anonymous said...

In love your Blog, and I also love the sea., please enter me in your contest. Thanks so much, Hugs, Vernie

Anonymous said...

In love your Blog, and I also love the sea., please enter me in your contest. Thanks so much, Hugs, Vernie

The Feathered Nest said...

I hope I'm not too late to enter!!! Please throw my name in the hat if not...xxoo, Dawn

Unknown said...

Please add my name to the bucket! Visit my blog if you would like to enter my giveaway as well.
Love your choices.

Nerissa Alford said...

Please enter me for #1. What gorgous pieces.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Drawn to The Sea said...

What a gorgeous & generous giveaway, your seaside style is lovely! I'd be honored to display & enjoy these beautiful treasures in my home :-)

Drawn to The Sea said...

Oh how funny (& sad too). I followed a link & landed here. Looks like I'm a year too late, LOL!