I use them to anchor the flowers in my crackled vase...

...and I keep a big supply of extras in this detailed ceramic bowl...

When it's placed on my glass cake saver, it almost looks like a frosted cake (if you really squint!)...

Here's a sweet button heart that I bought at a craft fair many years ago...

And I love to collect unique little vases and fill them with buttons. This one has a 'nesting' bird on top....

I put these two button filled vases behind a little bird's nest that sits atop a candle holder (needless to say, this candle doesn't get lit!)

And then there are the vases that sit on the fireplace mantel....

Yes, I think buttons and cottages go hand-in-hand!!!
The rest of my family, however, would like to see this cute "button filled vase" decorating idea go the way of the dinosaur... After a few occasions where someone was squeezing by a table, or rushing through an area or whatnot, a vase has gotten knocked over and buttons have gone flying everywhere! As a result, I have moved all the button vases to areas where there is no foot traffic, for the sanity of my family!
Update: I've found eBay to be a great place to purchase buttons (I bought mine by the "pounds" years ago). I just did an eBay search of "buttons pounds" and came up with 72 auctions, but you could refine the search to certain colors or whatnot. Happy hunting!!
I just love all your buttons! You display them very well.
Love, Ann
Wow, I thought I had a lot of white buttons! No comparison to your collection!
i love all of your buttons! i've been spring cleaning and i have a moment of quiet rejoicing every time i come accross another button! (my collection is far, far smaller than yours at present, but i'm working on it :>)
Oh, I am a button lover myself! And I love your many ideas with buttons. I most recently glued some to a lamp shade (last week's post). I especially love mother of pearl buttons. I have a big jar filled with all colors of buttons! I use to hot glue them to picture frames, but the buttons kept falling off!
So pretty! Love the buttons, I love them too. I have a collection of my Grandmother's, so I guess it runs in the family! Kelly
I love that ceramic bowl!!!!
I am crazy about the way you have displayed your white buttons--especially with the sweet bird perched on top of them. You are very creative with your vingettes! I am so glad we met through the Porch Party!
I like the vase with the flowers and
the bird.
I recently bought a tin sewing box at a garage sale with buttons.
I am going to steal your ideas.
Thank you for posting, I enjoy
reading your blog.
Best Wishes,
These are lovely! I recently went to a home tour and the homeowner had shallow bowls full of different buttons in them. Some were very unique, including a bowl with button faces! I like how you've displayed yours!
My my! You DO have a lot of buttons. I love how you have them all over the house. I really like the little bird on top and the nest next to the vases with buttons.
I don't think I've ever seen so many buttons in one place!!! WOW!!! Now I'm itching to collect buttons because I like how you display them!
I am absolutely astounded at the amount of exquisite white buttons you've got your little paws on. WOW, WOW, WOW. I would love to own that many. Right now I have two jars full of white ones, but I bound and determined after reading this post to get my hands on more.
Thank you for your lovely post.
Hi Donna!
I now crown you the "Button Queen"!
You can't play "Button, Button, Who's Got The Button" at your house, there's just too many buttons available!
They look fabulous, you're so creative with them. Thanks for the purchasing ideas.
Hugs, Sherry
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